My Japanese Cheese Cakes

My First Japanese Cheese Cake

Fruity Tutty Japanese Cheese Cake

When I tried the Japanese cheesecake with the very first bite, I have been fallen in love with it ever since. The velvety smooth, creamy, as well as the fluffy texture makes this kind of cheesecake stand out the crowd. The cheesecake is not too sweet, yet just enough to entertain your sweet tooth if you have one. The cooking method makes the cheesecake very light, you would feel you do not have enough even after having a big slice of it. It’s so intriguing. Who can resist it?

I’m not a professional baker, just like all other home cooks, love baking some delicious desserts to feed my family. Feel free to drop a comment to share what I miss in this post, or what methods worked for you when making this cheesecake.

Thank you Mbak Riana, NCC for sharing the recipe in

Japanese Cheesecake
(sumber: 35 Variasi Resep-resep Cheesecake by Yasaboga)

campur dan ayak:
50 gr tepung terigu
50 gr tepung maizena

60 gr mentega tawar
250 gr cream cheese, biarkan pada suhu ruang
120 ml whip cream
3 kuning telur
1 butir telur
2 sdt kulit jeruk lemon parut
5 putih telur
1/8 sdt garam
125 gr gula pasir halus
1 sdt air jeruk lemon

2 sdm selai apricot
2 sdm air

1. Siapkan loyang bulat 22 cm, alasi kertas roti, olesi mentega. Pasang oven 150 derajat Celsius.
2. Campur mentega, cream cheese dan whip cream dalam wadah. Didihkan dengan api kecil, aduk hingga lembut, angkat dari api.
3. Masukkan campuran tepung, aduk rata. Masukkan kuning telur dan 1 butir telur, aduk rata. 4. Masukkan kulit jeruk lemon, aduk rata, sisihkan.
5. Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa, masukkan gula dan air jeruk lemon sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok sampai terbentuk kerucut-kerucut tumpul (soft peak).
6. Tuang 1/3 adonan putih telur ke adonan cream cheese, aduk rata. Tuang campuran ini ke sisa adonan putih telur, aduk rata. Tuang adonan ke loyang, panggang dengan cara au bain marie, kurang lebih 75 menit sampai permukaan matang, kuning keemasan. Keluarkan dari oven.
7. Setelah benar-benar dingin, lepaskan cake dari loyang. Panaskan selai apricot dan air, oleskan ke permukaan cheesecake.

English Version

Japanese Cheesecake
(Source: 35 Cheesecake Recipes Variation by Yasaboga)

Mix and sift:
50 gr flour (all purpose)
50 gr cornstarch

60 gr unsalted butter
250 gr cream cheese, at room temperature
120 ml whipping cream
3 yolks
1 egg (whole)
2 tsp grated lemon rind
5 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
125 gr castor sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

2 Tbsp apricot glaze or jam
2 Tbsp water

1. Prepare a round spring form pan (22 cm diameter), line the bottom with bread paper (or parchment paper), grease with butter or margarine. Heat the oven at 150 degree Celcius.
2. Put together in a sauce pan: butter, cream cheese and whipping cream. Cook on low heat, stir until soft, remove from heat.
3. Mix in flour mixture, blend well. Stir in yolks and 1 egg (whole), blend well. Stir in grated lemon rind, blend well, set aside.
4.Beat the egg whites until frothy, beat in sugar and lemon juice gradually while continue beating until it forms soft peaks.
5. Spoon 1/3 of egg whites batter into cream cheese mixture, blend well. Fold in this batter tothe remaining egg whites batter, blend well. Pour batter into round spring form pan, bake au bain marie (water bath) for approximately 75 minutes until the surface is done, golden yellow in color. Remove from ove, let cool on a rack.
6. After it is completely cooled, open the pan, transfer cake onto plate. Mix apricot glaze/jam and water, heat until the liquid is homogeneous and easy to brush onto cake. Brush the cake surface with this glaze, let cool.


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